Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hello One and All,

So I have been doing a lot of this online survey taking and other simple things to get money online. Its super easy and takes basically nothing at all to do. I have compiled a list of sites that I have at least been on and signed up for. I don't really use all of them, but I am still learning how to make as much possible money from these sites as I can. I want to spread the easiness that is money making to the people of the world. But I warn you, you must be very careful with this kinds of sites because lots of them can lead you into tricky scams. But I have a few simple rules that will help you to not fall into someones trap:

1. NEVER NEVER give your Social Security number.
2. Don't use your main email because you will get lots of spam. Create a email for these sites.
3. Giving your address is not bad, and some sites need your address in order to email you checks, but you might get a lot of junk mail, so be prepared to throw out a lot of trash.
4. Don't give Credit Card info or any license numbers.
5. Pop-ups from these sites are FAKE and do not click on them.
6. I don't personally do downloads to make money, but i have heard they are generally okay. Download at your own chance. I would say go to a public computer and download them there. I mean who the hell cares???
7. If it doesn't say https://, (means secure site) then do not, I mean DO NOT put any information that could get you scammed or hacked.

I guess thats about it, but if you follow those simple rules, you will make lots of easy money and not get screwed. Here are the sites that i have been using. Enjoy and make that BANK!!!

3. (Use this code: 18A2XTRGUA)
4. (Just put in browser)
5. (Just put in browser)
6. (Just put in browser)
8. (An Invite only site so message me for invite - One of the best sites)

I will continue to post links and later, as I find the time, I will go into depth about each site. I hope this helps you all, so got out and make that money.

The HungryGamer

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